Common Cognitive Errors in Cognitive Therapy

The cognitive perspective seeks to understand how dysfunctional and irrational thought patterns create emotional problems..Clinicians who take the cognitive perspective analyse distress and maladaptive behavior in terms of what we tell ourselves about situations rather than the external situations.

Finding Jesus in the Tear Gas

β€œDuring the day, MDP Circle is a dreamy little slice of what could be without the tyrannical hand of the state. At night, the police gas and shoot anyone gathered there. The oscillation between joy and terror is exhausting.” I was baptized in an evangelical church as an infant. We don’t sprinkle or submerge, it’s… Continue reading Finding Jesus in the Tear Gas

If moon disappear

If moon disappear. πŸŒ‘πŸŒ™πŸŒ’πŸŒ˜πŸŒ™πŸŒ‘πŸŒ—πŸŒ β˜„οΈπŸͺβœ¨

Don’t worry about it.

Don’t worry about it. You can never get approval for everything, everytime. Just do what you love. Think and plan that it should not hurt anyone in such a way that you can never forgive yourself. Do what you love, and try to make everyone understand that this is your life and your choices.

Running Water

An excerpt from a recent poem by Laura A. Lord: β€œI could twist the tap and pull myself back until I’m only a few little drops / and then you could catch me in your hands like you used to do.” Running Water

Your Devil and Angel

We have to work on ourselves, don’t seek happiness with others outside. Everything is inside. it’s just we need to seek within. follow now for more encouraging beliefs.

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